New construction projects. Single Family and Multi-family and buildings in general (public buildings, commercial, hotel, industrial, agricultural, etc.).
Refurbishment and Renovation of existing buildings. Refurbishment, legalized, certified old, of habitability. Arquisurlauro collaborating with the Junta de Andalucía, the Ministry of Public Works in various housing rehabilitation programs, having rehabilitated a total of 173 houses in various municipalities in the province of Malaga, which gives us the expertise to carry out the rehabilitation project of your home.
Urban projects. Partial Plans, Special Plans, Construction Projects, Project Offset, urban development, Action Projects.
Topographic work. Topographic surveys, surveys, stakeout ...
Commercial. Local adaptations of safety certificates to the facilities, opening projects, etc..
Appraisals and valuations. We are experts in constructive pathology and perform. well as reports from impartial court reports to be enrolled in the lists of expert witnesses in the courts of the province of Malaga.
Building technical inspections. Our experience in rehabilitation and construction makes us capable of fulfilling the technical inspection of your building.