Then try to explain to our current or future proceedings in Spain to build a house and a number of tips that may be of interest.
When customers come to us usually already owns land or plot for building your future home.
here, we encourage those considering buying a plot for construction of
your home, even before buying it, contact us for from our study will
advise on urban conditions of the plot, indicating the parameters urbanization of the same.
These parameters are critical to whether the parcel to be acquired is adapted to customer needs. In
addition you will avoid unpleasant surprises, like discovering that the
place you purchased is affected by an alignment, with the consequent
expropriation, or a police area which can only be built on part of it,
or he was told he could build many
more meters than it really can, or even discover after purchase that
the plot is non-urban and rural land that can not build.
When a parcel is urban and thus has a rating, as this, the plot is buildable, occupation and even a designated building type. In other words, what you can build a house between party or isolated housing that is bound to be aligned to roads, etc.. and this fixed square meters can be built and the square meters of solar can be occupied with the building. Parameters as you can see are important to know and confirm before the acquisition of the property.
issue important to know prior to the acquisition of the parcel is the
"geology" of it, or what is the same type of terrain that makes up the
plot, as there are lands that come from artificial fillers or compounds
by clays expansive
or involving special foundations or the "mandate" to run a basement
that was not in the economic calculations of the client, or their
functional needs.
experience of over ten years working in the province of Malaga and
especially in the Valle del Guadalhorce us know in advance what to
expect in certain areas and advise the client in this regard before the
final choice of the appropriate plot to their interests.
Suppose that we have acquired the plot and is adapting to the constructive and functional interests of the client:
The first thing you have to do to build housing is a Basic Project and Execution of it. This project duly signed by the Official College of Architects of the Province of Malaga. It can only be written and signed by a top architect. Only professional, as recorded by the Organic Law of the building with professional responsibilities for drafting.
basic design and implementation as indicated by its name is composed of
two parts that can be written together or separately.
basic design meets all the plans, sections and elevations of the house
with its distribution, dimensions and surfaces, and contains in its
report the compliance application and urban parts of the Technical
Building Code. Together with the Blueprint is to be delivered for approval Geotechnical Study of the plot where the house will settle.
charge to their customers manage the budget request of this study apply
directly to the approved companies more competitive market, providing
our customers with different budgets for their choice and providing
companies with the necessary technical data that facilitates the
issuance of its budgets.
project meets Execution all technical documentation necessary for the
conduct of work of the house: flat masonry, carpentry, installation,
structure, etc.. and the corresponding measurement, document necessary to obtain a quote from a builder. Annex the Project Implementation Study will Basic Safety and Health to gather the necessary measures to work safely in the work.
you have to hire a coordinator of work safety and health during the
course of the works in turn write a study on health and safety measures
to be taken during the execution of the said works.We offer this service to our customers and as we wrote the project, drafted at the same time the Health and Safety Study.
just the blueprint drafted by the Architect, together with the
certificate of intervention or technical architect surveyor issued by
their professional body on which it is stated that the owner has hired
this professional with top architects to take the direction of Enforcement of housing can apply for licensing in the City.
license is obtained subject to the subsequent delivery to the City Hall
Project Execution certificate along with the intervention of top
architects, at which time the City is granted for the permanent license
and construction work could begin.
most of Alhaurin de la Torre, but a small strip of Pinos de Alhaurin is
mandatory to apply for licensure easements municipal airport to a
report by the Ministry of Development, by the proximity of the town with
the Malaga airport. Therefore,
it is now convenient to separate the Blueprint for Implementation of go
forward when before obtaining this administrative process has
significantly delayed the act of licensing that previously took longer
than a month.
important document of the Project Execution and budget measures are the
same, because together with the plans is the binding document in the
recruitment of the builder.
is why the builder important measurements budgeted project and not
others, in that they are included in sections not only the number of
items of work that has to build, but most of the time how has to build, how have to measure and how you have to budget for. The biggest adjustment budget builder to project these measurements avoids the discrepancies and conflicts in work.
the different builders who budget the project meet project measurements
ensures that our client can make a real comparison between different
offers that you get to perform the work and that will run according to
the criteria of the technical to subcontractors and to the best of each budget builder.
facilitate the processing of the request for quotes from our customers
and in turn make it easier for developers to query their subcontractors
from our studio we offer our clients the service of their projects to
increase our web server. Each
project, once the visa is up over and compressed and encrypted with a
key relief staff so that our customer does not have to spend money on
cumbersome paper copies but simply limited to providing builders who
want to be budgeted for the project the direction of our website where you can download their key project staff and decompression. The
builders are downloaded from the website of the project and they
contact us directly for any questions they have in the constructive
development of its budget. They also contribute to avoiding unnecessary paper with ecological benefits it brings.
show their different budgets and our advice is decided by a builder
with signing a contract for the construction of your home.
contract is also an important document because it must be reflected a
number of circumstances that may occur on site and have to anticipate
and solve them from the contract. From
our study of our experience we offer our clients a model contract that
attempts to answer these circumstances and that just binds both the
developer and the builder to meet its obligations and responsibilities
and that can remove many headaches for our customers.
builder finally appointed and the contract signed before starting the
work must receive a stamped copy of the Basic Project and Execution
paper document to be placed in work, stamped copy of the Safety and
health, after making his study provides the Security Plan of the Works which is an adaptation to their means of work of health and safety study.
this plan, we as coordinators of your acceptance or corrections if
necessary to issue a Certificate of Acceptance of the Plan and with all
this documentation, the developer has to make the Opening of the Centre
for Work of the Work. Then being able to start with them.
the works it is necessary and compulsory to take a collective
leadership made up of a Senior Architect who will be responsible for
keeping the Project Management and Technical Architect will be
responsible for carrying the Directorate of Enforcement. They are two different directions, two different and have different professional responsibilities during complement the works.
the measurements is reflected project management plan necessary for the
builder has to contract with different laboratories approved for the
control of various items that need to be tested in construction:
concrete, steel for reinforcement, compaction, etc..
the top architects and technical architects in Spain have the authority
to bring together the collective leadership required in housing. Neither senior engineers and technical professionals are empowered to carry out this work.
shall be made necessary for the proper control of work by the Architect
and Technical Architect by performing the necessary checks and tests
and end of works by both professional issues a certificate that visa set
in both professional and with which the client can request the first occupation of their home.
turned on by the municipal technician visit to give the nod to the
first occupation of the client can inhabit your home, formalizing the
bulletins of the installers and the first occupation license contracts
for the supply of water and light with different companies suppliers.
And enjoy your new home ...